Mariana Aboim
Self Portrait with Knickers, 1994 / Self Portrait with Tomatoes and Parsley, 2020 (2020)
Ask First, 2011 // SELF-PORTRAIT #6, 1993 (2021)
Divine, 1991 // Just Woke Up, 1986 (2021)
Irises for Isi, 2021 // Got a Salmon On #3, 1997 (2021)
Untitled, 2021 // Human Toilet Revisited, 1998 (2021)
Stung by sea urchin, 2014 // Self Portrait with Mug of Tea, 1993 (2021)
Calipo vs Banana, 1991/1985 (2020)
Beautiness, 1999 // Beautiness? 2020 (2020)